Tuesday, June 30, 2009

the lamp post, the building, and the clouds

Sunny day in georgetown. I happened to look up and saw the inviting blue sky - the next thing I knew, I was whipping out my trusty little camera... :">

both shots of the sky are taken from the hip, in front of the Mini / Auto Bavaria showroom.

I enhanced both pictures using GIMP - nothing much, just increased the color balance for colors blue and red.

I liked the way the advertorials were painted directly on the building (below) so I captured one shot. Given my current fixation on Lomo, I did a bit of enhancement using the Lomo tool with the "Light Blue" effect.

and finally, a macro - reflection of a car in a desk plaque.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

transformers @ queensbay mall

headed over to queensday mall last Saturday for the transformers expo. I think there were more than 1000 figures on display. Some pics here.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

bad connection

...the internet connection was getting reallllllyy bad at my place, and after a few rounds of harrassing the folks at Telekom, they finally sent a couple of guys to check out the problem. Apparently our CCTV wires are causing disruption because they're tied too closely together... hmm.

I haven't uploaded my latest GIMP attempt due to the bad connection and I'm feeling lazy after a super-duper satisfying meal... so hasta la vista until my bout of laziness subsides :P

Thursday, June 25, 2009

fun with lomo

Recently I started taking an interest in lomo effects so I downloaded this nifty GIMP plugin from elsamuko. You can get the plugin here.

There are some great color selections, vintage being one of my favorites.

I came across a page where another lomo plugin creator, mF made this suggestion to create a strong Lomo effect:
vignetting softness=1, Contrast=30, Saturation=30, Double Vignetting=TRUE
Pretty sharp results eh :)

This is the effect of another color - Old Red

and finally, this is the original photo (bleh). By the way, it's a 1/144 scale model of Gundam Arios, from the anime series Gundam 00 :)

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

kamunting fish farm

Decided to make a trip to Kulim a few weeks back to try out the food at Kamunting Fish Farm. From what i've heard, they offer freshwater dishes at relatively cheap prices and this seemed a nice way to spend a weekend :)

The restaurant itself is basically a giant floating concoction of planks built upon floating tanks, with attap leaves covering the roof.

Among all the dishes that we ordered, my favorite was the 'sar bee hu' or '3 flavored fish' (cap:direct translation)

Conclusion: overall I think the meal was quite reasonable in terms of pricing (around rm85 for 5 persons, with 2 good-sized fish dishes, 1 tofu dish, and 1 veggy dish.
But I guess I won't be going for a repeat visit since it's not that remarkable once the novelty wears off...

lunch break

originally planned to have lunch at red house, but then we saw this new place that looked interesting on the way there... 8 marks out of 10 for ambience, and 3 marks out of 10 for food :)

ramly burger, repackaged.

nasi kandar that cost more than rm5

see what i mean about nice ambience?

... closeup shot of the waterproof table...

Tuesday, June 23, 2009


...tried my hand at creating creation today using GIMP. Not bad considering it's my first attempt :P

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