Monday, July 6, 2009


we were invited for a cup of coffee (?espresso?) brewed with SL's brand-new, nifty little nespresso.
To be honest I have never heard of it before; I do not claim to be a connoisseur of coffee neither am I very knowledgeable about it. I just enjoy DRINKING it XD

I was told each capsule costs around RM2 and will be discarded, once used. wow.

the colorful capsules (there are 12 blends in total) kind of remind me of a makeup artist's color palette.

by the time i thought of taking a photo of the brewed coffee, half of it was well on its way down my throat. ahh... it was a damn satisfying cup!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

fun with gimp

ever since I saw the pictures of a friend taken using Lomo Fisheye 2, I've been itching to get my hands on it... sadly it's easily not available here. sniff sniff

out of curiosity i looked up a couple of tutorials on how to achieve the fisheye effect. it needs much more tweaking than this but i think i can live with it (below) for now.

this is the original image.
Using the ellipse select tool, i selected a circular shape and pasted it onto a new layer.
After that i applied the Filter -> Distorts -> IWarp effect - selected a small radius to distort, and then kept clicking repeatedly until the head and shoulders appear to be bulging out.

To make the edges appear rounded, I used the Filter -> Distorts -> Lens Distortion tool. Depending on the effect you want to achieve, you can either apply this to the upper floating layer for a more obvious look, or the original layer for a subtle effect. I find that I like the effect best at these settings: Main -5.6, Edge 84, Zoom 9, Brighten 68.

I'm still not satisfied, but I guess practice makes perfect. Now if only I had that much time to spare ... @_@

rainy day

One rainy afternoon. Wish I had a nice cup of coffee next to me right now...

photo given the soft glow treatment with my bestie of the moment - GIMP
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